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Showing 25 of 32 Articles

  1. Company Change

    Company Change

    Fenland Leisure Products and Online Playgrounds have been successful sister companies for 14 years. However, over time we have realised that it would make sense for us to join the two together both internally and for our loyal customers.
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  2. Playground safety during winter

    Playground safety during winter

    Playing outside in winter poses more risk than outdoor play in summer. But there are measures that you can take to make sure your playground is safe. Here are the benefits and most common risks of winter play, as well as a few easy-to-follow steps to keep your play areas in tip-top condition.
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  3. Children's Mental Health Week 2020

    Children's Mental Health Week 2020

    Children’s Mental Health Week was launched back in 2015 and was set up to raise awareness of childhood mental health. The week encourages young children to reflect on mental health and talk about how it affects them and those around them. Each year has a theme and this year’s is bravery. Thi
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  4. The Importance of Children’s Role Play

    The Importance of Children’s Role Play

    But why is role play so important in early years development? There are a multitude of reasons including allowing children to develop their personalities; learn through play; create relationships; and communicate effectively. Role play is a great way to harness a children’s imagination and e
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  5. How to add the right children’s Trim Trail equipment to your playground

    How to add the right children’s Trim Trail equipment to your playground

    School playtime is the perfect time to encourage children to be active and exercise. This will help to ensure that they burn off excess energy while also helping them to maintain a healthy weight and is a key aspect in tackling childhood obesity. There are many ways schools can add outdoor Adventure
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Showing 25 of 32 Articles