Brochures & Resources
A range of useful resources highlighting how we can help you with your playground.
Maintenance & Services
Our dedicated team of qualified maintenance engineers have a wealth of knowledge.
45mm x 145mm Planed and Treated Timbers Suitable For Building And Maintaining Playground Equipment
Ex 50mm x 150mm fully planed all round (PAR) including a 5mm radius on all edges and pressure treated making it an ideal timber section to be used as replacement timbers within play areas. Available in lengths up to 3.600m long. All our playground timbers are cut to your ordered length and ACQ pressure treated. All timbers are treated in accordance with BS 8417: 2011.

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What is European Redwood?
European Redwood is largely imported from a number of European countries for joinery purposes. The imported wood is preferred for its slow growth and when impregnated with a preservative, this slow grown timber makes an ideal choice for constructing and repairing play areas.
Pressure Treated
For more than a decade, arsenic and chromium-free ACQ Preserve pressure-treated wood has been used in some of the world’s most environmentally sensitive locations. From the pristine environments of national parks to neighbourhood playgrounds, ACQ treated wood has been used around the globe for many years to provide a durable sustainable product for outdoor projects where environmental values and product safety are priorities.
Environmentally Advanced
ACQ treated wood products are available in response to concerns raised by public and government sectors of the treated wood market regarding the use of arsenic and chromium in pressure-treated wood. Our timber is treated with ACQ®, an environmentally advanced formulation that is arsenic and chromium free. The ACQ preservative system provides long-term protection from rot, decay, and termites without the use of any EPA listed hazardous chemicals.
ACQ Preservative Protection
The ACQ preservative in our treated wood is a copper plus quat system that provides the same level of protection to wood as CCA preservatives against decay, rot and termite attack (without the use of arsenic and chromium).
The main active ingredient in ACQ is Copper, which has long been established as the most cost-effective preservative component used in timber preservation. Quat acts as the co-biocide in the ACQ preservative, providing additional protection from fungi and insect attack that copper alone would not control. Quats are commonly used in household and industrial disinfectants and cleaners and are biodegradable in soil. Copper and quat solutions similar to ACQ are used for the control of fungi and bacteria.

Online Playgrounds can deliver all the quality parts you need, at a time you need them throughout the world.
Consignments big or small; we work closely with our logistic partners to provide fast deliveries wherever you are and on time.